Trying to get cheaper auto insurance?

Trying to get cheaper auto insurance?

"I'm have been driving for 4 years now and two decades old. As of lately"Therefore I just turned 16Howmuch could Progressive's automobile insurance charge to get a 2door honda civic for a 17-year old man?
Male and im 17 im producing great improvement with driving classes and have approved the theory I've always been considering cars after which i chose to take a glance at them to get and guarantee. Therefore I tested the insurance for a 1.0 polo... 3400 17 year old WOn't be capable of spend this. ive tried 3rd-party ive tried carrying it out through my parents ive tried obtaining  insurance   offer for my parents vehicle 1.6 astra. Therefore is there any companys that may do something to help out teenagers? Like exclusive discounts etc also is  insurance   this terrible in usa for younger people?
I reside in geneva"I have to buy  insurance  for myself because I am aware I have to get obtain a cleaning etc. What's one of the most affordable insurance to get that handles the most & offers me alternatives where dentist I'd like to head to? I understand therefore I need insurance that wont separate the lender but could keep my teeth looking great I've atleast one hole